Thursday, August 25, 2005

Thursday update

She looks good. They dressed her up as you can see in the picture below. :)
The gave her lasiks today which gets rid of the extra fluid in her body. But it is not working like they want so she needs to pee some more to get rid of the extra fluid.
The doctor did tell us they will probably take out her breathing tube tomorrow. And the next step after that is to get her to eat. She has had a feeding this whole time so they have to get her to eat out of bottle before she goes home. Some babies forget how to eat so they have to retarin them. But I don't see Drew having a problem with it cause she still sucks on her fingers with the breathing tube in her mouth. I will update tomorrow unless something else happens tonight.


Anonymous said...

That's great! She is such a trooper!

Anonymous said...

Oh Brandy, she is just so sweet.
I've been thinking about you guys all day long. I bet she'll be glad to get that breathing tube out of there! I'll be praying that she does very well without it. Tracy

Anonymous said...

I'm really happy to see everything is going well.Please call if you need anything.We love ya'll, and miss you! Everyone here is praying for your family!
Nathan, Aimee',Annabella & Simba