Friday, August 26, 2005

Closer to home

They did rounds this morning and they are lowering her pain and heart meds slowly. They decided to wait until tomorrow to remove her breathing tube just to be on the safe side. She is looking better everyday. Oh, she got some milk through her feeding tube... so that is awesome.


Anonymous said...

I'm from the Due in August board, and I just found your link. I'm so happy to hear Drew did well with her surgery. I will continue to pray for her and hope she is well enough to come home soon.

Anonymous said...

She looks good, still pink..I can't wait till she's home and I can actually hold her. Keep your heads up..The worst is past for now. I Love you all.

Aunt Kim

Anonymous said...

I am from PNIC board. I just want you to know that we are keeping you in our prayers. You are amazing parents and I know that your family is in the palm of God's loving hand right now. Stay strong. Prayers going out for you several times a day. Wendy