Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Surgery was successful!!!!!!!!

They did not start her surgery till 10:20 today because the surgeon got stuck in traffic.
The surgery went as planned. The doctors were very happy with the outcome. The surgery did not end until about 3:30 so it has been a long day for Steve and I. She was not put in PICU until 4 and we visited with her for about 40 minutes and we left so she could get some rest without us bugging her. The surgeon did say that it is possible that the hole in her heart might close up by the time the second surgery at 7 months comes around. With God all things are possible. She looks really good, just a little puffy. Thank you for all of your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Great news!!!!! We are thinking of you constantly and you are always in our prayers :) Kathi

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that things went well yesterday. Ever since visiting Drew, I have talked to a couple of friends that were born with the same thing. Only 1 of the four had to have the surgery AND he didn't have to have it until he was 27 years old. It had closed up that much. So there is always hope. I know we have alot of prayers being said on her behalf. We all have faith and we all know miracles happen everyday. Keep your heads up, She will probably be that miracle that inspires people. I Love You all. Remember I'm always here if you need anything. Aunt Kim

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I'm a friend of Christi's, who was asked to pray for you and the baby and passed the word on to my site, We are all thinking and praying for Drew!!! I hope she has an easy recovery and that the hole will close on it's own! Big hugs to all of you!!! (BTW, I think her name is VERY fitting of her considering what she is going through ... and at such a young age too) (((((hugs)))))