Monday, September 11, 2006


We will be making a trip to the pet store tonight. "Lucy" is no longer with us. :( Steve transferred her to her new fish bowl yesterday and lets just say he missed a step or 2 in the transfer. This morning Rylie fed her and she was kind of just floating about. I checked on her at noon and she was bobbing up and down and we watched her pass on. I told Rylie that sometimes fish just live for a few days. She accepted that and asked when we were going to buy her a new one. LOL! At least we did not have a total meltdown like I thought we would. I wonder what this new fish will be named?


Julie Plank said...

Don't feel bad..."Jack" is no longer with us either! He was floating not five minutes after we got off the phone yesterday! I told Austin we will get another one when we get back from Florida! Talk to ya soon!


amber said...

Sad to hear about the passing of Lucy, as Nemo has passed as well. I was sent on a mission to replace Nemo before his owner realized. But alas, the store was out of fishies. Must have been someone that bought them all for a party or something? ;)

amber said...

Sammy went belly up this afternoon as well! Not a good day for goldfish around here.