Sunday, October 23, 2005

Coming Home Soon!

We are back in New Orleans at Childrens Hospital, Drew is doing great.

We met with the surgeons and cardiologists this morning and they are all in agreement with Drew's future plans. They want to get her off antiboditics immediatly and take another blood culture in a few days. They would like to wait to perform surgery to close her VSD in a couple months allowing her to get bigger and stronger.

They are not concerned at all about the clot in her heart. It is attatched well to the wall of her heart, they feel there is a small chance that it would dislodge.

We are meeting with a Occupational Theraopist tomorrow to try to get Drew to start feeding.

Once her blood cultures come back negative for infection and she re-learns how to feed, we will be coming home.

Thank you for all your prayers and support...
Please pray Drew starts to feed without any complications..

1 comment:

Hip Girl said...

How exciting! I wish you all the best.