Saturday, July 21, 2007


Oh my goodness where do I begin. I see that it has been forever since I have posted anything.
We have been so busy around here lately. A friend and I are opening up a children's "boutique" in the smae building with my mom. So it has been non stop since this all began. More news on that later when things are more finalized. We are thinking sometime atthe end of august for the store to be open. So Look for further news on "Lemon Drop Lane". :)
Drew is doing so excellant! She doesn't talk much but she is quite smart. The past few weeks she has REFUSED to keep a diaper on. She now goes to the potty all on her own without anyone asking her. The girl is not even 2 yet! Speaking of 2, she will be on August 10th, my little miracle is such a blessing! And oh such a handful but I love her all the same. We don't have another cardiologist appointment until sometime in September. I think she weighs somewhere around 23 pounds, she eats everything all the time.
We went to the beach with our friend in June and had an awesome time. Drew hated the sand but loved everything else. She could have sand all over her from head to toe but refused to let it touch the bottom of her feet.
Lots of pictures to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me know about the boutique, you know I love to shop.