Monday, April 24, 2006

Appointment Update

We brought Drew to see Dr. Bob today. He said she looked wonderful! He also said it looks like surgery will be when she is about1. It just depends on if the doctors think they can get to the spot where the hole is without causing damage to other parts of her heart. The hole is in the hardest spot in the heart to get to. So if the surgeons think it is still too hard to get to we will just wait and see.
Dr. Bob did say that another heart cath will be needed but not until right before the surgery.
We go in 2 months to do and echo and they will review it with the surgeons and we will know more then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Brandy, It's Karen from Children's PICU. It was great to see the pics of the girls. They are beautiful.I was just talking about you and Steve last week. We were talking about parents that we love and you two were on my top five list. The pic of the girls under the tree with their Easter baskets should be in a magazine. Well, hope you had a great Easter and put some ground up steak in that bottle so Drew can gain weight. Ha Ha My prayers are with you always.

Love, Karen Tedesco