Friday, November 11, 2005

surgery cancelled

Well only until monday.
This past monday we gave the doctors the go ahead to do the surgery for the g tube.
Well since she was on asprin they could not do it till yesterday. They came to get her and shortly after that they told us that there was a scheduling problem and we would have to wait till tomorrow.
We wake up this morning at around 7 to get ready for her surgery. At 8:30 we still had not heard anything. Mind you they stopped her feedings at 1 am this morning so she was not a happy camper. Well the nurse calls surgery and they said she wasn't on the schedule till 3 pm. Umm.....Hello people she has not eaten since 1 am. So they decided to feed her at 9. We waited all day again she was starving come 3 o'clock. The doctor comes in at 4 pm and says they can't do the surgery today b/c surgery is backed up. I almost hit the roof! The only reason we are still here is to get that surgery. The surgery is for Monday now b/c they don't do them on weekends. The doctor mentioned maybe tomorrow if they can get the staff here but that probably won't happen.
Sorry for the vent but I am just so frustrated and ready to move on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have every right to be ticked! I know the hospital is a very busy place, but they must realize that is your little baby. I can't imagine having to get worked up thinking that the surgery is about to happen just to be told no. You and Steve just hang in there, just like little Drew. She will be okay. I have been thinking about her alot, and checking the site for updates. God Bless!
Amy Lemoine